We continue to increase the opportunities for students to make meaningful contributions to their school, and to have a say in how we go about things. Recently our student leaders have been contributing to a number of school policies, adding student friendly language so that all can understand. These policies are the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy, Concerns and Complaints Policy, and Bullying Prevention Policy. You can find all our school policies on our website here: Policies are sorted by alphabetical order under the following topics: Child Safe Policies, General Policies, Medical Policies, Curriculum Policies (including Homework), Wellbeing Policies, Extracurricular Policies, and Office Policies.

Other Student Voice and Agency activities (individual, JSC or Student Leaders) have included: organising Harmony Day. A House Chant competition, Termly News Reports, writing and sharing Sport Rules, Guess the amount of Mentos in a jar, and making and selling origami. Students at Viewbank PS are a busy bunch!